In May 2019, I had the opportunity to take some work in El Paso, so Miss Latiolais joined me on a Fandango that would take us to El Paso, but then to Fort Davis to see the Milky Way, Big Bend to swim in the Rio Grande, Terlingua, and finally to see Dom.
In El Paso, we went to three of the best Mexican Food restaurants in town: L&J Cafe, Julio’s, and Carlos & Mickey’s. Each had their own style and we found something to love at each. At Carlos & Mickey’s, that was the margaritas.

In Fort Davis, we rented a wonderful little cabin in the shadow of the McDonald Observatory. We attempted a Star Party, but unfortunately, just as darkness fell, clouds rolled in and spoiled it. Luckily, the observatory issued a rain check to me that I can use any time I return.

“And when she shines she really shows you all she can
Duran Duran, Rio
Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grande”
The next day, we set out for the Boquillas Hot Springs in Big Bend National Park, so that Miss Latiolais, a Duran Duran fan of the highest order, could swim in the Rio Grande.

Later that afternoon, we drove into Terlingua. We drove through the ghost town and stopped at the Terlingua Trading Company for a beer, which we drank outside of the Starlight Cafe with a new friend. It was still too early to see Dom, so we went down the road to La Kiva.

As the sun started to drop on our last night, I took Miss Latiolais to one of my favorite places on Earth. It was my third holy pilgrimage to the Dom rock. Miss L was uneasy on the steep, rocky surface, so we didn’t stay long, but that place continues to bring me a profound sense of peace.

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