Miata Mod-Week continued last night with the installation of new Hawk HPS brake pads all around and a good brake bleed. I had an opportunity late last night to bed the brakes on the relatively empty RR620, doing several concurrent hard stops from moderate speeds. The lightweight car, new brake pads, and sticky rubber almost had my eyeballs coming out of my head. Awesome braking power.
We also got started on the Hard Dog Sport Rollbar installation, but we had to abort when the hour got late and we had to rush to Chuy’s before they closed (we didn’t make it). Unfortunately, the rollbar looks like it might interfere with my new rear window. If it does, I will have to decide if I should revert back to a clear vinyl (flexible) window, or if I should sell the rollbar and get one designed for a glass window. Almost certainly, I would choose the former. We will probably finish the installation this weekend.
The Lexan window installation is holding up pretty well. There is still some cosmetic repair work to be done, but it’s holding together. Today I tested the window by driving with the top up, but the windows down. I wanted to see if the positive pressure in the cockpit would force the rear window out. It held like a champ.
Further comments about my installation can be found in this thread on Miata.net:
Can I replace the factory window myself?
In further automotive news, I put a new (salvage) ECU into the A6 and it started right up. Also, Bill Fluhr fixed my sticking power window. After some minor body work and a full detail, the A6 will be ready to sell. Eric worked on the eS2 wiring last night, so we are closer to having that car running. It was a fruitful Wednesday work night.

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