Oh my poor, sweet, neurotic dog. It has only been a few days since I looked into those pale blue eyes for the last time as we sent you along ahead of us. I hope you are somewhere running as fast as you can, herding for the shepherd of us all. I hope there is a park and a lake, where you can play in the water. I hope there is plenty of bread for you to eat. Whoever heard of a dog whose favorite food was bread?
In Winter, when you had your full, perfect blue merle coat and skirt, I thought you were the most beautiful dog I have ever seen. When I would look out the window and see you on patrol, tirelessly walking the fenceline, sometimes with Cat-Cat in tow, I felt loved and protected by you. You made Kimberly feel safe, when I was away. You were a good girl.
Thunderstorms and fireworks were a challenge, I admit. So many times, at the first sound of thunder, we would race to the backyard only to find it was too late. Your instincts had already kicked-in and you were up and over the six-foot privacy fence like it wasn’t even there on your way to gather a herd that you didn’t have. And goodness dog, could you run as far and fast as the wind - fifteen miles once. But that’s how far you would go to protect your herd, isn’t it?
You didn’t particularly care for men or children, but I was pleased that you became friends with the Fluhr brothers. You seemed to enjoy their Wednesday night visits. That meant a lot to me. Most of all though, you were Cat-Cat’s best friend. The two of you played together so often that we even took to calling you Dog-Dog. I’ll never forget Cat-Cat sitting next to you and cleaning your face on that last morning, when you were so sick. I believe he must have known something was wrong. We have been giving him extra attention since last Thursday and we promise to take good care of him for you.
We all miss you very much. Oh, my heart is broken, you stupid, stupid dog.
Godspeed, blue eyes.       Â
1 comment
Ah Jimmy, I’m so sorry. It’s surprising what a big hole they leave, isn’t it? I hope to see you and Kimberly soon.